Cholera Street

Cholera StreetAğır Roman
Salih is a mechanic and son of a respected barber Ali. A woman Tina arrives at Cholera street where she takes up residence and works as a prostitute.

Okan Bayülgen

Müjde Ar

Mustafa Uğurlu

Savaş Dinçel

Burak Sergen
Küçük İskender
Aysel Gürel
Levent Erim

Zafer Algöz

Nilüfer Aydan
Balık Ayhan

Sevda Ferdağ
Zuhtu Erkan
Mert Gür

Naci Taşdöğen

Emrah Kolukısa

Ajlan Aktuğ

Mustafa Altıoklar

Mustafa Altıoklar

Mustafa Altıoklar
Metin Kaçan
Cholera Street (1997) is the Turkish BL Movie. Watch Cholera Street (1997) | Turkish BL Movie: Information, Details, Synopsis, Cast, Actors, Official Trailer, Aired Time, Drama, Episodes, Music, Novel.
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Cholera Street (Original Turkish title: Ağır Roman, literally means “Heavy Roman”) is a 1997 Turkish film directed by Mustafa Altıoklar, based on Metin Kaçan’s best-selling novel Ağır Roman. The movie is about a young car mechanic, while in the middle of an love affair, tries to protect the people in his poor neighborhood from a gangster who terrorizes the locals.
Cholera Street Synopsis
The film takes place in a rundown, crime-ridden neighborhood called “Kolera Street” (Kolera Street) in Istanbul. Salih is the son of a mechanic and respected barber, Ali. A woman, Tina, comes to Cholera street, where she resides and works as a prostitute. Deniz is a gangster who calls himself “Reis” (“Chief”) and tries to take control of the neighborhood by intimidating him.
After Reiss takes over a horse stable and causes the owner to commit suicide, Arap Sado (Salih’s close friend) challenges Reiss to a knife duel and after defeating him, asks him to leave the neighborhood. One night, a prostitute is murdered by amputating her genitals, leading to the release of a serial killer named “The Cholera Monster”. Sado is shot and targeted by Reis’ men in a car and dies in his arms after giving Salih his valuable pocket knife.
With Sado’s death, Reiss opens a casino and tries to dominate the neighbor. At the opening of Sado’s bust, Salih and Reiss clash in the street, while the people oppose Reis and stand by Salih. Tina invites Salih to her house that night, then Tina and Salih become a couple. Salih makes Tina promise to give up prostitution, but this creates trouble as they no longer have an income.
The “Cholera Monster” attacks again and kills “Puma” Zehra (the madame of a brothel) who is on Salih’s watch. Taking advantage of the situation, Reiss declares himself the protector of the neighborhood and turns the people against Salih.
When Tina returns late, Salih becomes suspicious and confronts her about it. Tina tries to justify her return to prostitution by saying they need money to survive. While fleeing from the angry Saleh, Tina is attacked by the “Cholera Monster”, but Salih manages to save her and subdue her.
Tina’s ex-pimp, Nihat, is devastated by the loss of her livelihood and Tina’s treatment. He goes to Reis, who takes him and prepares a plan to get rid of Salih. Provoked by the chief, Nihat attacks Tina at a wedding and cuts her cheek with a knife. Salih crushes him, kills him and cuts his cheek with a knife. The corrupt police chief working on Reis’ salary arrests Salih and forces him to confess to the murder. The chief approaches Tina and makes an agreement that if Salih surrenders him, he will be released.
When Salih returns home, he finds Reiss and Tina in bed together; He becomes devastated and cuts himself and dies of blood loss. To get revenge, Tina gets in Reis’ car and blows it up with Reiss and herself in it.
Cholera Street Details
- Movie: Cholera Street
- Country: Turkey, Hungary, France
- BL Content: BL Side Story
- Release Date: 28 November 1997
- Duration: 1h 54 min.
- Native Title: Ağır Roman
- Director: Mustafa Altıoklar
- Producers: Sabahattin Çetin, Müjde Ar, Mehmet Soyarslan
- Writers: Mustafa Altıoklar (screenplay), Metin Kaçan (novel)
- Cinematography: Ertunç Şenkay
- Production Company: Belge Film, Focus Film, Les Films Singuliers
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Gay Character, Gay Relationship, LGBTQ+, Turkish BL, Turkish Movie, BL Movie