
Steam: The Turkish BathHamam
Francesco and Marta run a husband-and-wife design company in Rome. When Francesco's aunt dies in Instanbul he travels there to sort out the hamam turkish steam bath that she left him. He finds a love and warmth in his realtives' Instanbul home that is missing from his life in Italy.

Alessandro Gassmann

Francesca D'Aloja

Halil Ergün

Mehmet Günsür

Başak Köklükaya

Şerif Sezer

Carlo Cecchi

Alberto Molinari
Zozo Toledo

Zerrin Arbaş

Ludovica Modugno

Necdet Mahfi Ayral
Burak Barakaci

Aldo Sambrell

Ferzan Özpetek

Ferzan Özpetek

Stefano Tummolini
Hamam (1997) is the Turkish BL Movie. Watch Hamam (1997) | Turkish BL Movie: Information, Details, Synopsis, Cast, Actors, Official Trailer, Aired Time, Drama, Episodes, Music, Novel.
#hamam #hamamfilm #hamammovie #steamtheturkishbath #Ilbagnoturco #blmovie #boyslovemovie #blturkish
Hamam (Italian: Il bagno turco, also known as Steam: The Turkish Bath) is a 1997 Italian-Turkish-Spanish film directed by Ferzan Özpetek. The film is about the powerful transformations that certain places can cause in people.
Hamam Synopsis
Francesco (Alessandro Gassman) and Marta (Francesca d’Aloja) are a nervous Italian couple who run a small design firm. Their marriage, once the most important thing to both, has lost all meaning. Francesco loses interest in Marta, causing Marta to start a relationship with her business partners.
Francesco’s aunt Anita, the black sheep of the family, dies in Istanbul, where Francesco is trying to sell the property he inherited as soon as possible.
The family, who run the property under Anita’s supervision and direction, welcomes him with hospitality, but they worry about what the future holds for them. Their younger son Mehmet (Mehmet Günsür) is especially eager to show the handsome guest around.
When Francesco discovers that the property contains an abandoned hamam, a Turkish bath, he decides instead to restore the hammam and reopen it to the public. During the restoration, he starts a relationship with Mehmet.
Meanwhile, Marta comes to Istanbul to get a quick divorce from Francesco, but is surprised to realize how much Francesco has changed from his old self: Both the hamam and Mehmet’s unconditional love were just what he needed and gave him a purpose. in life. When Marta falls in love with him again, Rome and divorce are irrelevant to her.
Francesco’s reluctance to sell the property makes him an enemy, and some eventually kill him. Marta decides to stay in Istanbul and run the hammam, the final scene showing her transforming into a second Anita.
Hamam Details
- Movie: Hamam
- Country: Italy, Turkey, Spain
- BL Content: BL Movie
- Release Date: October 24, 1997
- Duration: 1h 34 min.
- Native Title: Hamam
- Also Known As: Il bagno turco, Steam: The Turkish Bath
- Director: Ferzan Özpetek
- Producers: Roberto Manni
- Writers: Ferzan Özpetek
- Cinematography: Pasquale Mari
- Production Company: Sorpasso Film, Promete Film, Asbrell Productions
- Genres: Romance, Drama, Gay Character, Gay Relationship, LGBTQ+, Turkish BL, Turkish Movie, BL Movie