Friend Or Lover (2021) is Taiwanese BL Series
#FriendOrLover #taiwaneseBL #taiwaneseBLseries #BLseries #boyslove #Taiwan
Friend Or Lover Synopsis
The story revolves around four good friends, slowly discovering their feelings for each other, and discovering how their relationship with lovers is gradually improving.
Friend Or Lover Details
- Drama: Friend Or Lover
- Country: Taiwan
- Episodes: 4
- Aired: Mar 21, 2021 – ?
- Native Title: 你到底是朋友 還是 我愛的人?
- Broadcaster: Youtube
- Production Company: 進擊少年團 小樂 Xiaole Boyslove
- Also Known As: Are you a friend Or the one I love?
- Genres: Friendship, Romance, Drama, Gay Relationship, Love At First Sight, LGBTQ+, Friends To Lovers, Gay Character
Friend Or Lover Trailer
Friend Or Lover Prank
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你也有過….從朋友變成情人的經歷嗎? BL微電影《friend or lover》EP1 |BL 《friend or lover》EP1
你也有過….從朋友變成情人的經歷嗎? BL微電影《friend or lover》EP1 |BL 《friend or lover》EP1 Watch Now #FriendOrLover #taiwaneseBL #taiwaneseBLseries #BLse...