One Loveรักเดียว
Earth Thanakrit Talasopon
Win Songsin Jaipan
Graphic Ratchawit Chanrunganan
Sujira Arunpipat

Suttatip Wutchaipradit
Kate Pimmada Pattana-alongkorn

Season 1
One Love (2022) is Thai BL Series. Watch One Love (2022) | Thai BL Series: Information, Details, Synopsis, Cast, Actors, Official Trailer, Aired Time, Drama, Episodes, Music, Novel.
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One Love Synopsis
Rak and Diao like to argue.
After graduating, Diao gets a creative job at a Food Delivery company and moves in with his sister Dao.
Dao bought the house with her boyfriend, but since they broke up she hasn’t been able to afford the fees, so Diao moves in to help. Fortunately, next to Dao’s house, there is another tiny house she can rent to further ease the expenses. Diao, a perfectionist, worries about his new tenant sharing the space.
Destiny works in strange ways. New tenant Rak has nothing in common with Diao. Not only does his mischievous brother seek trouble every day, but Rak soon becomes his boss and orders frequent revisions of his work. The war begins; Rak is the boss in the office, Diao is the boss at home.
One Love Details
- Title: One Love
- Native Title: รักเดียว
- Also Known As: The One And Only, Rak Diao
- Country: Thailand
- BL Content: BL Sitcom
- Air Date: Sunday 23rd January 2022
- End Date: –
- Aired On: Sunday
- Number of Episodes: 14
- Original Network: GMM One
- Duration: 47 min.
- Screenwriter: Kate Pimmada Pattana-alongkorn
- Broadcaster: One 31
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Sitcom, Gay Male Lead, Gay Romance, LGBTQ+, Miniseries, Cohabitation, Thai BL
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