The Tuxedoสูทรักนักออกแบบ
Guntapat Kasemsan Na Ayudhya
Tape Worrachai Sirikongsuwan
Khunnapat Pichetworawut
Ormsin Supitcha Limsommut
Chap Suppacheep Chanapai

Green Phongsathorn Padungktiwong

Garto Pannawit Phattanasiri

Mike Phontharis Chotkijsadarsopon

Season 1
The Tuxedo (2022) is Thai BL Series. Watch The Tuxedo (2022) | Thai BL Series: Information, Details, Synopsis, Cast, Actors, Official Trailer, Aired Time, Drama, Episodes, Music, Novel.
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The Tuxedo Synopsis
The authoritarian and selfish Nawee is the heir to a fortune. He has severe social phobia due to childhood trauma. But that was before met the gentleman designer Aioun. As the two get to know each other, the mutual attraction becomes undeniable. Thus begins a romance that will last a lifetime.
The Tuxedo Details
- Title: The Tuxedo
- Native Title: สูทรักนักออกแบบ
- Also Known As: Sut Rak Nak Ok Baep , Suit Rak Nak Ok Baep
- Country: Thailand
- BL Content: BL Drama
- Air Date: Saturday 5th March 2022
- End Date: Friday 22nd April 2022
- Number of Episodes: 8
- Duration: 20 min.
- Director: Mike Phontharis Chotkijsadarsopon
- Screenwriter: Pacharawan Chaipuwarat
- Broadcaster: Ch3+ Thailand & GagaOOLala
- Genres: Gay Romance, LGBTQ+, Gay Male Lead, Tailor, Self-centered Male Lead, Childhood Trauma, Heir, Miniseries, Phobia, Rich Male Lead, Thai BL