Till The World Ends (2022) is Thai BL Series. Watch Till The World Ends (2022) | Thai BL Series: Information, Details, Synopsis, Cast, Actors, Official Trailer, Aired Time, Drama, Episodes, Music, Novel.
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Till The World Ends Synopsis
“Till The World Ends” is the story of two young men who find themselves living together by chance during the last 13 days of the world. Art is a very attractive business student; Unfortunately, an accident caused him to lose his memory. That’s why Art relies on Golf to help him navigate and prepare for the end of the world. Golf, a medical student, has a stressful history of family and relationship issues. His only brother, Gus, is also in prison, left with no one.
As Art suffers an accident, the government announces that people are being evacuated to the bunker as the world is coming to an end soon. Golf, who got involved, decided to help Art instead of going to the bunker. The rest of their lives outside were filled with chaos. Both are chased by Long and Joke, who aim to kill as many people as possible before the world ends. Golf has never felt what a deep love comes from another person.
He didn’t want anything more, before he died, Art wanted to go back to his hometown while he still had a chance to find love. Their relationship improved and they seemed to know that they were both “in love”. Golf and Art must channel their confusing feelings for each other. Because they both know exactly that they are going to die.
Till The World Ends Details
- Title: Till The World Ends
- Native Title: รักกันวันโลกแตก
- Also Known As: Till the World Ends the Series
- Country: Thailand
- BL Content: BL Drama
- Air Date: –
- End Date: –
- Number of Episodes: –
- Director: Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim
- Screenwriter: Aam Anusorn Soisa-ngim
- Production Company: Commetive
- Broadcaster: –
- Genres: Romance, Sci-Fi, LGBTQ+, Gay Romance, Gay Character, Thai BL
Till The World Ends Social Media & More
- Production Company’s Instagram Account
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- Production Company’s Facebook Account
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